Objectives of the workshop:
Understanding the importance of personal branding.
To help participants understand the role that personal branding plays in entrepreneurship.
To understand the importance of creating a strong personal brand, and how it can help them succeed as entrepreneurs.
To introduce the concept of personal branding and explain how it can help entrepreneurs differentiate themselves from their competitors.
Outcomes of the workshop:
At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to:
Understand and develop the skills needed to create effective brand stories that communicate the essence of their brand to their target audience.
Techniques to improve personal branding.
Case studies of successful entrepreneurs.
Report of the event:
The Personal Branding Workshop was aimed at providing participants with an understanding of personal branding and its importance. It was organized on 24 October 2020 and conducted by Marketing & Communications Specialist, an erstwhile entrepreneur, artist, author, social media influencer and content creator Ms Shrushti Rao. The workshop was attended by 45 participants. The workshop was divided into two parts, a lecture followed by exercises. covering topics such as defining personal brand, identifying target audience, developing brand messaging, and using social media to promote personal brand. The lecture was led by an experienced branding expert who provided examples and techniques to help the participants understand the concept of personal branding.
The participants then engaged in a group discussion, sharing their own experiences and challenges in developing their personal brand. The facilitator provided feedback and guidance to help the participants in identifying their strengths and unique selling points. Ms Rao also discussed the seven tips of personal branding namely, Figure out who you are, Determine what you want to be known for, Define your audience, Research your desired industry, Follow the thought leaders, Don’t oversell yourself, Stand out and be yourself.
After this, she even detailed examples of 5 people from different industries who have nailed Personal Branding like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Rekha, Ankur Warikoo and Kusha Kapila.
The workshop also included exercises to help the participants develop their own brand messaging and social media strategy. The participants had the opportunity to receive feedback from the facilitator and their peers on their brand messaging and social media profiles.