Welcome to Deviprasad Goenka Management college of media studies

Accredited by NAAC with a B+ Grade and a CGPA of 2.65 in the First Cycle   

DGMC’s First Batch of Media and Entertainment

Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies (DGMC) held its first Convocation Ceremony for the first batch of PGDM Media and Entertainment Students on October 15, 2016. Shri. Kiran Shantaram, veteran film maker was the Chief Guest and Shri. Narendra Goenka, Trustee, RSET was the Guest of Honour. Shri. Ashok Saraf, President, RSET presided over the function.

The Media and Communication sector is growing at a rapid pace, and with advanced in communication technology, there is a demand for newer skill sets and proficiencies. Recognizing the need of the industry, RajasthaniSammelan Education Trust (RSET) has endeavored to do it differently. RSET decided to get into media and communication education by establishing its first media institute – Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies (DGMC). DGMC offers under graduate courses like Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Film Television and New Media Production, Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM), Post graduate courses like Master of Arts (MA) in Film Television and New Media production, MA in Communication and Journalism, professional courses in media production in association with Garware Institute of Career Education and Development (GICED), University of Mumbai, like PGD in Communication Design and Digital Marketing, Certificate courses in Cinematography, Digital Film Making and Sound Engineering and Design. Having set directions, we at DGMC launched our AICTE approved 2 year full time PGDM program from the academic year 2014-15. PGDM program has its rigor not only in teaching but in learning as well. Students of PGDM are sensitized to various initiatives like MEAM – Manager in Making, rural immersion, international immersion and application based learning. The first batch of PGDM has come out with flying colors and has brought laurels to DGMC.
“Film is a medium of social change” – Shri. Kiran Shantaram, Chief Guest

At the first Convocation 2016, as a Chief Guest, we hadShri.KiranShantaram, a legacy by himself in the field of media and communication. Shri.KiranShantaram is a noted producer-director, studio and theatre owner who is closely associated with many welfare & trade activities of the film industry in India. He entered the motion picture industry in 1961 as an assistant to the legendary filmmaker V. Shantaram(his father) & assisted him in all his films from Navrang onwards till the 1980s when he took over as General Manager of the sprawling RajkamalKalamandir Studio at Parel. After the death of his father in 1990, he took over the reins of his father’s Companies and Trust which he manages to this day. He is also the moving sprit of two of the largest privately sponsored film festivals, “The Mumbai Academy of Moving Image & the Asian Film Festival”. Outside the film arena, he is known for his social and welfare activities & has been the Sheriff of Mumbai for two consecutive terms, a rare honor. He is in Film industry for the last 50 years.

He has a vision to make the media industry vibrant and create job opportunities for students. In his address, he said that this is the great time to enter into the media industry and advised all the graduating students to have high ethical values and become truthful citizens of the nation. He informed that media platform has already been created, and this is the right time to grab opportunities and go ahead. He emphasized the importance of self-discipline and self-confidence during his speech. He complemented the strength of DGMC students and stressed on the opportunities available in this industry.

He further pointed out the need for industry collaboration to help students gain better insights in the functioning of the industry. He said, “With such innovative programs, the industry also should come forward and join hands with the academia to bring about a definitive change in the way media education is imparted”. He also spoke about the need for media and film literacy and advised that DGMC should conduct film appreciation courses for the audiences. He emphasized that cinema is a powerful medium which can affect change in the society, and encouraged the students to make films on socially relevant subjects. He also informed the audience about the Gold Medal that the V. Shantaram Trust has instituted for meritorious students of film, and Rs One Lakh scholarship for doing research on his father’s V. Shantaram.

“Life is about meaningful to the society and beneficial to the people” – Shri. Narendra Goenka, Guest of Honour

A business man with a combination of dedication, simplicity and sincerity, Shri. NarendraGoenka, while congratulating the graduating students, reminded them of their duty towards their profession and their country, and said that they should strive for excellence in their chosen profession. “You are in the right place at a time when the media and communication industry is undergoing rapid changes and advances and is one of the fastest growing sectors in India”, he said.Students should realize that they have to contribute to the society in spreading knowledge and information which would influence the lives of the people, not only life of the society but culture and civilization. He said, “Being truth and meaningful to the society is a great virtue; life is not about being famous or successful, life is about meaningful to the society and beneficial to the people”.

Dr. Kumardatt A Ganjre, Director, DGMC, in his speech mentioned that Post Graduate Diploma in Management in Media and Entertainment (PGDM) is DGMC’s flagship program approved by AICTE New Delhi.From 11 students in 2014 in the first batch, today, the PGDM program has 39 student, and with a solid, industry oriented curriculum, it is bound to grow and win accolades for the institute. The robust program architecture of the PGDM curriculum is revised periodically by engaging in continuous interactions with professionals from the industry, and with eminent academicians and professionals in our Board of Studies and Academic Council. The robust curriculum keeps pace with the fast evolving media and communication sector, making the students industry ready.

Students of DGMC are imparted intensive managerial training and extensive practical training in production and management of all types of media. Several distinguished industry professionals are invited to the campus to share their experience and give the students an industry perspective.This year onwards, DGMC have also introduced the concept of International Immersion. Students from the current batch will be taken to Singapore, a major media production hub,in order to help them gain an international perspective of media business and production. PGDM program at DGMC also focuses on rural landscape. The Rural Immersion Program is designed to give students insights into these future markets so that they are truly ready for the media markets of the future.

DGMC is committed to build a strong connect with the industry to make our academic deliverables most updated and in sync with the industry. DGMC believes in empowering the students to tackle the challenges and manage the transmedial communication environment of media, entertainment and advertising, while inculcating in them a spirit of entrepreneurship, dedication and professionalism.

“Aim high, dream high, and realize your dreams” – Shri. Ashok Saraf, President, RSET

In his address, Shri. Ashok Saraf thanked the esteemed Goenka Family for their magnanimous contribution to set up DGMC. He assured that within 3-4 years this college will be amongst the best media colleges. He congratulated the graduating batch and stressed the importance of hard work or working hard . He also mentioned that their diploma will certainly help them in future for better career. He concluded his speech by saying ‘AIM HIGH! “IT ALL STARTS WITH A DREAM, AND YOU SHOULD HAVE A BURNING DESIRE WITHIN YOU”

Shri Ashok Saraf said that DGMC is the latest addition to RajasthaniSammelan Education Trust (RSET), which in its 68 years of journey has been imparting education from KG to PG, presently having more than 15000 students studying in the campus. RSET has four degree colleges and two AICTE approved institutions.

Dr. Mangesh Karandikar, Dean,administered the MBA Oath to the students. He also announced the winners of PGDM topper of batch 2014-16 and PGDM Student of the Year awards. Certificates of appreciation were also awarded to second year MA(FTNMP) Mr. SurajDattaramKharat, for his short film titled Puslela Number which was shortlisted in the international Film Festival in Hyderabad, and Ms. NikataPawar for her being runner up in Gladrags Mega Model Contest.

Certificate of appreciation were also awarded toSupport Staff of the Year Mr. SushantSurve, Employee of the Year, Ms. Shilpa Herft for her loyal & dedicated services, and Faculty of the Year Mr. Partha Samanta.

All students of DGMC have demonstrated the commitment, creativity, skill and talent that are needed to succeed in Media and Communication Industry. The entire DGMC, wishes all the graduating students the very best on their future endeavors. Graduation day is an opportunity for all to reflect both on the past and on the future. Whatever direction they choose to take, the knowledge and skills that they have developed in DGMC will stand in their good stead, not only in the professional life but also as a contributing member of society. It is our firm belief that DGMC has prepared all of the students well enough, not just to commence their professional careers with competence, capability and confidence, but also as responsible citizens to shape our society and country in the coming decades. It is DGMC’s endeavor to develop strong methods to create a sustainable future through its wings in media and communication sector. Today, DGMC has earned its name in providing quality education and pledged to uphold the noble cause of design and delivery of value based education.

Celebrations, farewells and emotional moments, photography and selfie sessions gave DGMC a festive look and all students, parents and faculty enjoyed the graduation ceremony making it a grand success. The entire event was well articulated and executed.

AICTE Approved Bachelor of Management Studies Course (BMS)

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      Ashutosh Sharma

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


      Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur


      But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences

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